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Time Management Training Course in Egypt
Everyone has the same amount of time in a day but not all of us able to manage our time, So Time Management focus on making the best use of time as time is always limited.
Moreover, Time management is about effective scheduling of your time, goal setting, prioritizing and choosing what to do and what not to do, delegating tasks, analyzing your spent time, organizing your workspace, keeping your concentration at your work, motivating yourself and others towards a common goal.
To learn the difference between being “busy” and “productive”
To apply the Pareto principle (80/20 Rule) to time management issues
How to make action plan
How to say “no” to time wasters
How to delegate in the right way for the right reasons
Time management concepts - ادارة الوقت مفاهيم
Setting goals and objectives - وضع الأهداف و المهام
Setting priorities - وضع الأولويات
The Eisenhower Method - طريقة ايزينهاور
PARETO diagram - مخطط باريتو
Tasks organization - تنظيم المهام
Time Wasters - مضيعات الوقت
Time Savers - ادخار الوقت
Tree & Arrow Diagram
Improving Time Management Skills تحسين مهارات ادارة الوقت -
Implementation of goals - تنفيذ الاهداف
Action plan - خطة التنفيذ