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System Engineering Leadership, Decision Making and Problem Solving Training Course
Course Overview
Good systems engineering requires discipline in planning and organization. Learn to apply systems engineering concepts to your organization and how you manage and lead. Explore a wide range of systems engineering principles and development methodologies, techniques and tools that support decision-making.
Who Should Attend?
Engineers, scientists and managers who deal with systems engineering
Course Objectives:
Learn advanced methods for problem formulation and research definition.
Discover how to apply the advanced methods using a structured, logical approach to systems engineering management.
Introduction to systems engineering
Leadership and systems engineering
Organizing for systems engineering and teaming
Introduction to systems engineering tools and techniques
System life cycle
Project management for complex projects
Project planning and risk management
Managing complex software development
SE processes and baseline development
Berlin airlift intro
Requirements and system architecture
Berlin aircraft case study exercise
Berlin aircraft briefing
Applied systems thinking
SE case studies exercise
Wicked problem
Decision making
Problem solving methods overview
Problem definition and formulation
WP case study intro
Solution generation
Solution evaluation metrics
Solution evaluation techniques
Wicked problems case study