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Principles of Ergonomics Applied to Work-Related Musculoskeletal and Nerve Disorders Training Course:
Course Overview
Learn how to apply ergonomic principles for the reduction of stress and strain on an employee's body as well as the control of workplace musculoskeletal and nerve disorders. Conduct task analysis of videotaped jobs looking for musculoskeletal disorder risk factors. Work as a team to apply class concepts to develop effective control strategies for each job.
Who Should Attend?
Those who would like to reduce body stress and strain in the workplace
Course Objectives:
Describe the impact of job and workplace design on employee safety and health.
Identify workplace characteristics that may contribute to cumulative trauma disorders.
Improve job, workstation and equipment design to reduce the potential for musculoskeletal injury.
Analyze manual lifting tasks and estimate reasonable lifting limits.
Work physiology
NIOSH work practices guide to manual lifting
Cumulative trauma disorders
Heat stress
Rapid upper-limb assessment technique
Job observation techniques
Medical surveillance
Manual lifting
Musculoskeletal disorders