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Master of Business Administration -MBA in Egypt & MENA
Bring your passion and drive to learn and we'll give you a world class business qualification.
More people from more countries study our MBA than any other. Across the globe, students are drawn by its academic rigour, its intellectual challenge and its ability to greatly enhance their career prospects.They’re also drawn by its sheer flexibility; no other MBA programme gives you as much freedom. You can study the subjects you want, in the order you wish.You can begin and end whenever you choose.You can study on-campus, at home or with one of our Learning Partners across the globe.Our MBA programme covers key management disciplines, including people skills, economics, marketing, accounting, finance, strategic planning and project management.To achieve your MBA you must pass seven core courses and two electives from a choice of 40 courses.
Courses Details & outline:
This essential introduction will help you dig deep into your company accounts. It will help you discover the true cost of your products and determine how much to charge for for them. And it will help you make effective decisions through proven financial and management accounting techniques.
Profit and loss accounts and balance sheets can tell you so much about the financial strength of an organisation. But you have to know what you are looking for.
This essential introduction to the vital discipline of accounting will help you dig deep into your company accounts. It will help you discover the true cost of your products and therefore determine how much to charge for for them.
And it will help you make effective decisions based on a thorough understanding of financial and management accounting techniques plus their strengths and weaknesses.
Topics Covered
An introduction to accounting and the accounting equation.
The profit and loss account.
The balance sheet.
The cash flow statement.
Framework for financial reporting.
Interpretation of financial statements.
Emerging issues and managerial options in reporting.
An introduction to cost and management accounting.
Cost characteristics and behaviour.
Allocating costs to jobs and processes.
Costs for decision making.
Standard costing.
Accounting for divisions.
Investment decisions.
New developments in management accounting.
Understanding economic principles and practices
It’s vital that business managers have a good grasp of economic principles. This course will help business executives to predict changes in market conditions, understand competitive forces and allocate resources efficiently.
Topics covered
Economic concepts, issues and tools.
An overview of economics, demand and supply.
The market, economic efficiency, organisation of industries.
Public goods, externalities, income distribution.
International sector, macroeconomics.
Income distribution, potential output, circular flow of income.
A simple model of income determination.
An expanded model of income determination.
Fiscal policy, money, the central bank and monetary policy.
The quantity theory and the Keynesian theory of money.
Integration of the real and monetary sectors of the economy.
Inflation and unemployment, the world economy.
The principles and techniques of financial analysis
Providing a clear grasp of the financial tools you’ll need to generate net present values figures and understand the principles of financial analysis and quality trade-offs, as well as project management techniques.
Topics covered
Basic ideas, scope and tools of finance.
Fundamentals of company investment decisions.
Earnings, profit and cash flow.
Investment decisions using weighted average cost of capital.
Estimating cash flows for investment projects.
Applications of company investment analysis.
Risk and company investment decisions.
Company dividend policy.
Company capital structure.
Working capital management.
International financial management.
Options, agency, derivatives and financial engineering.
Marketing for business success.
In highly competitive markets the success or failure of a product or service may be determined by the marketing decisions you take. This course will help you make the right ones.
Topics covered
The marketing management process.
Corporate strategies and their marketing implications.
Business strategies and their marketing implications.
Environmental analysis: tools to identify attractive markets.
Industry analysis and competitive advantage.
Understanding consumer buying behaviour.
Understanding organisational markets and buying behaviour.
Measuring market opportunities: forecasting and market research.
Market segmentation and target marketing.
Product decisions.
Pricing decisions.
Distribution channel decisions.
Integrated promotion decisions.
Marketing strategies for new market entries.
Marketing strategies for growth markets.
Marketing strategies for mature and declining markets.
Organising and planning for effective implementation.
Measuring and delivering marketing performance.
5.Organisational Behaviour
Making a better workplace
Organisational Behaviour examines the structures of our workplaces and looks at ways in which they can be improved. It addresses issues such as workforce motivation, incentives, team building and office environments and how we can best manage the dynamics of organisational change.
Topics covered
Basics of organisational behaviour related to management.
Stress and well-being at work.
Contemporary theories of motivation.
Organisational control and reward systems.
Job design and employee reactions to work.
Workgroup dynamics and group-based problem solving.
Influence processes in organisations: power, politics, leadership.
Organisational design and new service-driven organisations.
Managing transitions: organisational culture and change.
6.Project Management
Keeping your project on the right track
Implementing organisational change can be seen as a project in its own right, with time, cost and quality trade-offs. This course provides you with the project management tools and techniques that, first, identify the processes involved, then sets out how you go about achieving them.
Topics covered
Individuals and team issues.
Project risk management.
Project management.
Organisational structures and standards.
Project time planning and control.
Project cost planning and control.
Project quality management.
7.Strategic Planning
Setting objectives, creating strategies
Successful business planning needs objectives to be set and strategies to be created, implemented and measured. This course will help you think effectively and use the strategic process to develop a sound understanding of the business opportunities and challenges you face.
Topics covered:
Introduction to strategy, planning and structure.
Modelling the strategic planning process.
Company objectives.
The company and the economy.
The company and the market.
Internal analysis of the company.
Making choices among strategies.
Implementing and evaluating strategy.
8.Competitive Strategy
Helping you make the right choices
This course is all about making the right strategic choices, examining the ways in which these can be made and the means by which they can be achieved. Competitive Strategy develops a set of analytical approaches and tools to help formulate and evaluate these strategies topic by topic.
Topics covered
Analysis of the environment.
Strategies for competitive advantage.
The evolution of competitive advantage.
Vertical links and moves.
Horizontal links and moves.
International strategy.
Making the moves.
9.Performance Management
Helping people make a full contribution
The course promotes the concept of performance management as a continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning that performance with the strategic goals of the organisation.
Topics covered:
Performance management and reward systems in context.
Performance management process.
Performance management and strategic planning.
Defining performance and choosing a measurement approach.
Measuring results and behaviours.
Gathering performance information.
Implementing a performance management system.
Performance management and employee development.
Performance management skills.
Reward systems and legal issues.
Managing team performance.
Schedule & Timing:
Saturday full-day.
Two sessions per day (2 Subjects) each session is 4 hours.
Semesters & admission : Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter
Cairo Business School, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt.