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Leadership Training Course in Egypt
Course Description
This course teaches students the fundamentals of leadership. The topics covered are divided into several modules, starting from introductory topics and moving on to add more leadership related skills as the course goes.
The course is based on presentation, group discussions, workshops, and real world examples. Through these activities, the participants will learn and practice how to better manage their work time.
Course Outline:
Context and challenges in leadership
Relationship between leadership and management theories
Leadership theories overview
Types of Leadership Styles
Factors Affecting Leadership Styles
Self-assessment tools and approaches
Maslov’s hierarchy of needs
Herzberg and motivation
The expectancy theory
Principles of motivation
Self actualization in the team
Leading people
Personality types
Team roles
Understanding and leading individuals
Leadership functions
Coaching, mentoring and facilitating
Creating and leading teams
Direction and strategy
Strategic focus and direction
Shaping values and cultures
Change leadership
Developing leaders
Models and theories of leadership development
Leadership development for yourself
Leadership development for others
Influential leadership
Motivation theories
Influence and persuasion
Working with politics and power
Leadership beyond the information services context