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Kaizen for Process Innovation and Improvement Training Course
Excellent organizations continuously learn, both from their own activities and performance and from others. They rigorously benchmark, both internally and externally. They capture and share the knowledge of their people in order to maximize learning across and within the organization. There is an openness to accept and use ideas from all stakeholders. People are encouraged to look beyond today and today’s capabilities. They are careful to guard their intellectual property and to exploit it for commercial gain, where appropriate. Their people constantly challenge the status quo and seek opportunities for continuous innovation and improvement that add value.
Course is designed to fulfil needs of improvement professionals to achieve best process performance results using Kaizen tools. The course shall provide in-depth know-how on have to using Kaizen in order to improve a process.
Course provides hands on experiences on Kaizen tools implementation with case studies & real projects examples implemented in several industries.
This course is an essential foundation for people and organizations who seeking performance improvement & process innovation.
Understand & Develop Mechanism for continuous improvement and innovation using Kazien.
Develop skills, knowledge and attitudes to continuous process and product improvements.
Implement and apply full process of Kaizen.
Understand and apply Kaizen tools for Process Innovation and Improvement
Understand role leadership & team in Kazien project.
Course shall cover the following points:
Operational Excellence
Introduction to Innovation and Process Improvement
Developing and implementing changes and improvements
Problem identification and analysis
Change in the external and internal environments
Motivation and morale
Gemba Gembutsu
Way to identify wastes
Kaizen Projects
Value chain analysis
Kaizen project implementation follow up
Idea Management Process
Opportunity search
Spaghetti Diagram
Idea generation for innovation
Case Study & implementations
Training duration: 5 days