Upgrade your career

We Believe that capable organizations driven by capable people.
We also believe that team work output is much higher than individual efforts. Talented people is what we are search for to accompany during our journey of excellence.
We are searching for people who are a talented, energetic, experts who are enjoying what they do.
A common themes for our people are as following competencies:
Problem Solving
Self Confidence
Personal Relationships
Monitoring Others
Self Esteem
Proactive Thinking
Long Range Planning
Team Player
Persuading Others
Project Scheduling & Goal Focus
Internal Self Control
Job Ethics
Open Vacancies
10 SEP
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
18 SEP
Supply Chain Consultant
20 SEP
HR & Business Consultant

Submitting Resume
Your first step to join our team is to submit your resume.
A professional sector’s consultant with company advisor board shall review your qualifications and work experiences, if you are matches our job requirements you will be able to proceed to the next step.
We will respond to any applicant within 1 week with his resume status.
All accepted candidates are being interviewed by the sector consultant & some of the board members. Candidates are interviewed based on a specific measurable criteria. Each member of the committee is evaluating the candidates’ competencies points. The candidates are ranked upon their scores and the first three candidates will be ready for the next step. The rest of candidates’ resumes will be saved in our database for a further need.

Start your Career
We are recruiting

Presentation & Field testing
Each accepted candidates from the previous step will be asked to present a 45 min presentation to a different employees from The Excellence Center to assess his presentation skills. The most presentable candidate will be hired & will join our successful team.