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Basics of Supply Chain Management Training Course
Course Overview:
The world’s a supply chain; and it’s ripe for conquering by those with the right skills and credentials. Far-reaching issues — such as global expansion and sourcing, the rapid growth of multinational corporations and strategic partnerships, fluctuating gas prices and environmental concerns — dramatically impact every organization’s corporate strategy and bottom line. These emerging trends have made supply chain management a critical business field in the world today. As more and more companies realize the importance of their supply chain, they are competing to fill a growing number of positions from a limited pool of trained specialists — resulting in a massive shortage of qualified supply chain professionals across all markets and industries.
This course covers principles and techniques of effective Production Planning and Control. Combining lectures with a computer-based simulation allows delegates to put theory into practice. This unique “learning by doing” approach has proved highly effective in ensuring that knowledge is retained, understood and rapidly applied.
The course also addresses key behavioral and interpersonal issues that can make or break the effectiveness of production planning and control.
Course Objectives:
Learn the keys to strategic supplier management
Develop Supply Chain strategies to support business strategies
Determine how to optimize inventory levels to meet service requirements
Reduce lead time.
Increase fill rates.
Improve supplier performance and accountability.
Improve customer satisfaction and customer relationships.
Understand the basics of inventory and forecasting technology
Learn how to develop metrics that synchronize supply chain and logistics metrics with key company financial metrics and goals.
Develop transportation and distribution strategies to support business strategies
Better manage total transportation spending
Understand and manage variability that impacts transportation
Who Should Attend?
Supply chain management professionals
Supply chain engineers and analysts
Inventory planners and analysts
Manufacturing and process engineers
Industrial engineers and systems analysts
Production and warehouse supervisors and team leaders
Operations managers of traffic, transportation, and/or warehousing
Supply chain engineers and analysts
Industrial engineers and systems analysts
Transportation managers and engineers
Course Outline:
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Master Planning
Material Requirements Planning
Capacity Management and Production Activity Control
Inventory Fundamentals
Inventory Management
Physical Distribution
Quality Management and Purchasing
Just-in-Time Manufacturing