Excellence Center
Excellence Center would like to thank British Embassy in Cairo facilitating our partnership agreement with Edinburgh Collage to provide...
5S is a Japanese term that stands for Seiri(Sort), Seiton(Set in order), Seiso(Shine), Seiketsu(Standardize), and Shitsuke(Sustain). ...
QA vs QI
QA vs QI Quality Assurance (QA) ; involves ensuring that performance meets requirements / standards rather than continually improving...
SEVEN Basic Quality Tools
Use any of them or all can help you anyway; they're the SEVEN Basic Quality Tools for Process Improvement.
Philosophies of Quality.
The three main philosophies of Quality. "Managing Business"
Improvement Roadmap
This is your Roadmap for Improvement
Kaizen's Big Idea is to create a culture of continuous improvement where all employees are actively engaged in improving the company.