دورات تدريبية في الصحة والسلامة المهنية في مصر
تقدم منطقة الصحة والسلامة المهنية داخل مركز التميز مجموعة متنوعة من التدريب. العديد من دوراتنا مخصصة للمخاطر وتركز على المخاطر الصناعية التي قد يواجهها موظفو منشآتنا.
Advanced Safety Management Training
Air Sampling Fundamentals for the Workplace Training
Certified Hazardous Materials Management (CHMM) Review
Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) Certification Exam Study Session
Construction Safety and Health
Instructional Techniques for Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Professionals
Introduction to Accident Investigation Training
Introduction to Combustible Dust Hazards Training
Introduction to Noise Evaluation and Control Training
Introduction to Safety and Health Management
Introduction to Safety and Health Management Training
Lean and Safe: Safety-Integrated Process Improvement Training
Lockout Tagout Training
Managing Environmental Compliance Training
OSHA Voluntary Protection Training Programs
Occupational Health Management Training
Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Construction Industry Training
Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry
Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry Training
Process Safety Management - Process Hazard Analysis Training
Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous & Explosive Chemicals Training
Safety and Health Management Certificate